It Takes Courage to be the Only One

Have you ever heard a tiny little voice inside urging you to speak up or to make a decision that you know is right, but you have feel some resistance (usually rooted in a deep-seated fear)? Often we ignore this voice, especially if it is asking us to make a hard decision that may bring up fears of “rocking the boat,” or of the scary unknown.

I personally have experienced this in recent weeks. I knew what was happening – there a course of action that seemed to make sense for the education of my son, but my own associations and past experiences/fears were creating an ego-based desire in me that caused me to question it. Eventually, with getting quiet, I was able to see my own resistance and the lesson there for me to learn. My inner guidance was with me, but it had been clouded with what I wanted, instead of what might potentially benefit him. I had to process some sadness, and release some negative emotions, and tap into my intuition to help show me the truth that lay beneath.

Our intuitive voice is always with us, always guiding us along, nudging us toward goodness. Some of us call it our higher self, or even guardian angels/spirit guides/God. Some of us just call it our gut. I view it as all coming from the same place.

When our intuition is telling us something that causes a fear deep down, we often push it aside. We don’t like to be stand out or face something that is potentially risky.  I’m perfectly fine here in my safe (but confining) space, thank you. I’d rather not venture out into the great unknown, even though I suspect it is where the ultimate freedom and bliss lies, for fear being attacked or being different.  

Our ego thinks that it means we will unsafe – like the lone antelope in the herd that is visible to the wolves over the hillside. It’s in our wiring. But here’s the thing: we aren’t antelopes. We have more resources to survive. We can move beyond the survival instinct toward self-actualization (not really possible for antelopes). But still, our human brains still have that parts of that primal wiring that doesn’t want us to stick our necks out or put ourselves into unsure situations. We want so badly to dive into the cool ocean on a hot summer day, but we often avoid plunging in out of fear.

It is not always easy, especially when the ego self so badly thinks it knows what’s best for us. If you have a feeling that something is right, but you are not sure, close your eyes and ask your heart what feels right. If you are making a decision and are uncertain of what course of action to take, notice where there is flow. Where is there a lesson that you might be learning?

It takes courage to change our lives and even the world. It takes courage to make hard decisions that may not feel good at first and might upset some people, but that we know deep down are right. It takes inner strength, of seeing the fear and doing it anyway, knowing that it is for the benefit of all, trusting our gut to guide us.

It takes courage to listen to our quiet voice. Especially since our society likes noise and likes us to believe that we do not have the answers within, that we need to get someone else to help us and that we are not capable of great, amazing things on our own. Our society likes to give out advice and make us think that we don’t have the inner wisdom within ourselves.

I want to tell you that is no one out there, no therapist, psychic, friend or coach, that can give you better advice than you can give to yourself. It is through meditation, getting quiet, sometimes doing targeted writing, and learning to hone our inner voice that we can learn to heed the quiet whisper of our internal compass.

When I give intuitive readings (Akashic Records these days), I often end up affirming what the person already knows, or had a hunch about. It is just that it’s not always the easy path. Spiritual growth isn’t about taking the road of least resistance. Sometimes it’s making the hard choices that lead to the highest result for our soul evolution.

My recent struggle came to a happy conclusion when I intentionally tapped in to my intuition and asked for help. Then I was able to find a place of acceptance and of understanding, of potential and hope, with the help from my own children helping to teach me these lessons.

Take the time to quiet your mind and look for any fear that might be there. Notice any resistance. If something just feels like it is not working, like it is stuck, that’s maybe because it is, and a new approach is required. There may be something beneath the surface that is there to be acknowledged. Imagine how exhilarating and refreshing it will feel to go into that cold ocean water. It might be scary at first, but ultimately diving in to the depths of the unknown, to what simply feels right in our hearts, will set us free.

And so the cycles of life continue. Happy spring to all.

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