During the holiday break, I was able to detach from the din of society a bit and connect with what feels like truth from within.
Today, I am going to write about a topic that has been on my mind for some time, but that I often avoid out of fear of alienating people. It keeps coming up, though, so I think it is time. Brace yourselves!
As you know, I am fully in support of questioning anything and everything these days. The message that I try to share, however, is based on my personal experience and what has worked for me, and the message is simple: we do not have to suffer like this. This is based on my overcoming some major fears in my life thus far, and now feel that it is imperative that I, and many others (maybe you!) step up to the plate to help share love, light and truth.
Our planet is in dire need of help, and we do not have time to waste.
So this past Christmas, I spent some time reflecting on Jesus. I was raised in the Congregational church, but became quite disillusioned with traditional religion and church in general as a teenager. In my 20s, I was “this close” to calling myself an atheist. A few things happened to change this and to restore my faith in divine essence and love. I experienced a few health situations that brought me closer to life and death. During a particularly scary time, I had an encounter with who I interpreted to be Jesus. It was a message of healing, hope and unconditional love.
Since then, I have also had some other experiences with this figure, who I like to refer to as Jesus of Nazareth. I believe that he was not as he is portrayed. Many of us feel this, as we have been bombarded by certain religions shaming us in the name of Jesus. This negative religious programming has led to so many of us rejecting the message altogether, which is heartbreaking in my opinion. It’s possible that Jesus himself is saddened by how the religions of the world have painted him as being “above humans” and God-like. It’s possible that Jesus was just a regular guy just like you and me.
So what does this mean? If this is true, means that we can heal others just as he did. I believe he was a Reiki master and also transcended his Ego. I believe that he embodied pure love and saw it as his mission to help a broken society learn to forgive and find compassion for others.
This is what I believe what “Christ consciousness” is about these days. It is about us as humans finally overcoming our negative, fear-based egos and approaching everything and everyone around us from the heart.
This will be what saves the human race from destroying itself. The good news is that I feel that many of us are activating (although you will not hear about this if you follow most mainstream news) and feeling that there must be more to life than worrying about money, about having a new car or if the guy down the hall likes us or not.
I feel a lot of hope, but true change will come from each of us taking back power and choosing to live in love every day. Open your hearts. Ask your higher self, or any divine powers you connect with, to help you. Even if you choose not to connect with Jesus, see if you can connect with loving light of some kind and a divine power beyond yourself. This reconnection is essential our own healing and for us then to begin healing each other and the Earth.