What if depression is not what we think it is?
I have seen people debilitated by sadness so heavy that they cannot muster the energy to get out of bed in the morning, go to work or do really anything that could help them feel better. (I felt this way for a time, but thankfully something pulled me out of it). It can be so bad that it can lead to addiction as a way to numb the pain, or even worse, to suicide.
I believe that much of this suffering could be avoided if we were taught about how energy works, and how other people’s emotions and energy can literally get stuck in our personal spaces, lodging in our bodies.
Simply put, many people are empaths. This means that you feel things deeply, you care SO much that you actually absorb other people’s pain.
This is one of those psychic senses that is kind of like having allergies. It has to be managed, you have to stay on top of it, or else it can cripple you!
So what to do about this? I have found that the most effective ways to manage energy that we have unwittingly picked up is to try a few of these approaches:
Protect yourself through visualization and invoking higher guidance (especially Archangel Michael)
Clear energy you may have picked up through visualizations and other grounding techniques (such as this Sacred Room Energy Clearing Meditation). Imagine that the world’s strongest magnet/vacuum cleaner is sucking any low-vibration energy out of your body.
Invite light to flow into your heart and through your crown chakra. Feel this light being absorbed into your cells and bones!
Watch your thoughts. If you are obsessively thinking about a tragic/disturbing event or situation, you are inviting that energy into your etheric body. Think “Not now!” or “Stop!” to the thoughts. Push them out of your head space. Meditation can help you learn to do this.
Minimize the news, social media computer time – mainstream news in particular is largely fear-based and can bring on heavy emotions. Social media can be good for connecting with people, but not when it makes us feel bad about ourselves.
Go outside. The energy of the Earth and the fresh air can clear lots of negative energy.
If necessary, limit your interactions with negative people. Some people are toxic for us. You can simply send them light and minimize contact.
Find gratitude for little things in your life. And this simple Ho’ponopono prayer (“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”) can transform negativity. Words and thoughts can open your heart and bring in higher vibrations.
Try taking a salt bath, using grounding stones (black obsidian is my favorite) and drinking water/eating healthy food can also help.
I ask that you consider trying a few of these techniques. You will be amazed at simply how just using visualization can help clear energy. It feels like it’s “not real,” but I assure, you it works. The first 3 steps I recommend doing in the morning, middle of the day and the evening for those of you who are particularly empathic.
I hope this has been of service in some way. If you would like to connect more deeply with intuition to help you invoke this energy, I invite you to join me at this Intuition Development retreat (just 3 overnight spots left!) this November.