Why This Might Be Happening: An Akashic Records Perspective


Please take a moment this evening to close your eyes, bring light into your heart, and send that light out to the world for our collective healing. Imagine a world that you would like to live in. This energy is powerful and we need you!

The World card in the Tarot has come up for me a few times recently. It’s the last card in the Major Arcana, a sign of integrating lessons and concluding a cycle of life… I certainly have not mastered every aspect of life, but I have learned a lot. Seeing this card reminds me that, along with many others, I am engaged in a larger purpose of helping the world shift to a new, beautiful way of being. I observe a few things happening now, I hope to support you as we navigate these waters together.

(Just a few more thoughts from me in the next few days, and less frequent emails after this, I promise.)

We are in the midst of a few conflicting sets of emotions, pulled between two dualities.

There seems to be a lot fear being spread in the news. And what does fear do? It causes intense and even irrational reactions. Of course, it’s not irrational when we strive to stay healthy. But, fear can be even more contagious and more damaging to our immune system than the virus itself.

Then we have the other side. Some are not worried about this virus specifically, but are more concerned about how all of these restrictions, what’s trying to emerge and the implications of all this “distancing” and restricting will mean for our psychological health and societal norms.

Both of these reactions are based in fear, (FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real). Fear is a mechanism of control which is disseminated and perpetuated in large part by the media… trust your intuition around what’s really happening.

Here’s one thought:

“I or someone I love might get sick and die, so I must stay away from all humans and not leave my house.”

As I have learned in the Akashic Records (see below for some information from the Masters in the Akashic Records), we all choose our paths and agree to our own individual contracts before each incarnation. We signed up for what we signed up for… so can you lean into more surrender and trust in order to keep the fear in check and your light bright?

The other end of the spectrum is to completely ignore the guidelines and restrictions with rebellion and recklessness.

I propose a middle ground.

Yes, we want to protect ourselves and loved ones from getting sick. But don’t we always do that when there is sickness around?  Let’s ask ourselves intuitively what actually seems to make sense… what feels best for you and your family?

To shift this black and white/all or nothing thinking.  let’s come up with a more even-keeled thought process that might go something like this:

I will dissolve the fear into compassion by taking reasonable precautions I feel necessary to protect myself and others. I can also help those who are scared, alone or suffering by reaching out in creative ways. 

You can still talk to people-even if at a distance. Kids can still play outside in their neighborhood. A friend of mine is delivering groceries to neighbors.

I personally am reaching out to neighbors to see if they need help, biking with kids outside so parents can take turns getting breaks, going to the store, etc. Preserving our basic innate wellbeing, even while being cautious, is crucial during this time.

Ask yourself, what kind of society do I want to live in?

While we are tolerating these restrictions, we must be careful of what could happen with this persistent fear of getting sick in our society. We could become afraid of other people (if we haven’t already), and not leave our houses, and just communicate over the computer screens. Not good. What about the phrase “new normal”?  Is this really “normal” to you? Living in social isolation? Is this how we want to live? Of course not. People’s mental health during this time is delicate  (suicides in the U.S. during the month of March have been rising.)

Our mental health is equally as important right now. 

I don’t believe people will end up living in isolation forever. My hope is that the pain of being separated from our loved ones, our schools, our friends and the love that we receive from hugs and from physical touch, will eventually motivate our hearts to do what feels right. It is crucial that we stay aware of who we are as humans, and what kind of society we ultimately want to live in (hopefully a compassionate, caring and cooperative one).

I aim to help do this with meditation, prayer and holding the light and vision for as many as possible. I know many of you are joining us every evening around 9 pm EDT for some on-our-own meditation.

You can join me also for a guided Circle of Light meditation  every Sunday night at 7:00 PM in the Souls Gathering Together FB Group and also on Zoom.

This work is my joy, and my great honor. After undergoing my own personal transformation, I am lucky to support so many of you in moving through ego-based fears, sharpening intuition and taking bold action to best fully share what you have to offer our planet. I feel the World card is at work for us all, and then the cycle will begin again.


Information from the Masters (in the Akashic Records):


Many of us are wondering just what the heck is going on right now. I thought I would share a new perspective that came up in my Akashic Records today.

Here’s what was shared with me:

Some of us are looking for what caused this virus. Some of us want to know who is responsible. But, we all have aspects of light and dark within us.

Though we may have good motives, our egos can get in the way with an opportunity for power and control.

There will always be people who manipulate things for their benefit. And some of them do evil things to get this done. But, we all have the capability for this.

When we focus on the the “bad” person or people doing something to us and to the world, we are giving them too much power. Our focus on them vibrationally diminishes our own power. It’s best if we don’t focus on the darkness, since it can diminish our light. Instead, we can be aware of it but, in certain circumstances, we could choose this path as well.

We are the only ones who are here as our “saviors.” Some (David Wilcock and Q Anon, for instance), may be pointing out some other points that are true, but they also may have an ulterior motive.

We need to be careful in believing everything they say, just as many of us discerning with believing everything we read/hear in the mainstream media. It doesn’t serve us to focus on any of this external information too much, since vibrationally it perpetuates an “us v. them” mentality.

For too long, we have allowed others to tell us what we should think and believe. 

I was shown that our collective consciousness brought on this virus. It doesn’t matter where it came from, they don’t want us to focus on someone to blame. We asked for this subconsciously as a way to “re-set” our broken way of living. We knew we needed to cocoon and examine our lives in solitude.

In the Akashic Records, I glimpsed a vision of a future possibility. They want us to focus on reaching out to our neighbors to ask them if they need help.

Then, after this is over, people can start emerging from their homes, elated (like a soldier returning from deployment) to see neighbors and friends, and vowing to appreciate what we had taken for granted before.I was shown people playing music in the streets, outdoor potlucks, picnics. People walking in nature and meditating. People working in more communal ways rather than hierarchical. People asking each other, “How are you FEELING today?” and genuinely meaning it and caring.

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