How to Clear Low-Vibration Energy

blocking energy

Boy, it’s intense out there! We are getting squeezed with the heavy energy around us as the 3D systems fight their inevitable demise. And it’s also beautiful outdoors here in Maine with red, yellow and orange fiery foliage all around. The contrast of light and dark.

I have been immersed in finishing the 2nd draft of my first book, tentatively called Tools for the New Earth, A Guide to Awakening Times . This past weekend I holed up at an inn on a lake, and finished editing 6 chapters, now just 2 left (out of 15) to go. I realized how important it was for me to be in a different space, rather than my own house, to focus. Writing this book has been one of the biggest fears/blocks for me. It took me 6 years to finally do it. I had no idea what an incredible amount of work it is to write a book. I’m still recovering from late nights of intense editing! Trying to squeeze in writing between homeschooling 2 kids is interesting. But the book needed to be birthed.

And in between that, I have been navigating the great shifting just as you are. Just as the light contrasts the dark, we have ups and downs.

In this time of intense energy shifting, it is causing an immense amount of stress on some people. We are being shaken, like mud being stirred up at the bottom of a pond. The fish in that pond get distressed. This is how it can feel for us humans as the light is penetrating the shadows. Remember that we must see the truth, the darkness, the secrets, so we can awaken and separate from the mind control.

Still, this stirring up can create lots of emotions – anger, fear, irrational behavior. When a volcano wants it explode but it doesn’t have the ability to erupt from the top (no outlet), it will come out the sides, in bizarre ways. I have been witnessing some strange behavior around me. We all have our Ego triggers. (If you’d like support on this, hypnotherapy or an Akashic Records reading can be illuminating. In these intense times, I will be offering a $20 discount on sessions for October – please use the coupon code 20OFF and $30 off for Soulful Work Community members.)

While we can have compassion for others, we do not need to take on their energy. It’s important to clear out any toxic energy, especially when it can feel like a psychic attack. See below for a meditation I’ll be doing this evening on this.

In the meantime, here are a few tips for clearing out energy at the end of the day. I just created this for the book, and share it with you now:

Evening Energy Clearing

  • Visualizations can be extremely powerful. Imagine negativity flowing out through the bottoms of your feet, into the Earth. The Earth can naturally absorb these low vibrations for us. I like to ask Mother Earth for permission to do this. Usually I feel that the answer is yes, she is able to transmute negativity into love, like compost in the soil. Or, you can imagine the unwanted energy being pulled out of your body like the world’s strongest magnet, or drained out of a bathtub, or drawn off you like taffy on a stick. Experiment with what works for you. Then, imagine that you are sending this negative energy somewhere to be disposed of – a fire pit, a black hole in space, or maybe a giant trash compactor.

  • Elements connected to the Earth, like plants and rocks, can help. Burning sage or palo santo clears low vibrations. Or, you can make your own essential oil sage spray. Grounding stones like obsidian, black tourmaline or onyx can be effective. I recently learned about shungite as a powerful stone to remove electromagnetic energy, and I often wear this as a pendant. Crystals such as these carry powerful vibrations and even contain information about the Earth’s history. When you are working with crystals, it is a good idea to cleanse them periodically. You can do this by leaving the stone in the sun for a day, in the full moon at night, running it under purified water, sitting in salt for a few hours, or even burying it in the ground overnight. These celestial and planetary elements will clear the rock of any vibrations and purify its energy.

  • Salt naturally draws out negativity. Have you ever noticed that cuts and wounds tend to heal after being in a salty ocean? This is the healing power of salt! Having salt lamps in your living space is a good idea. Even more powerful is taking a salt bath with Epsom or Himalayan salts at least once a week. Immersing your body in salt can help remove environmental toxins as well.

  • Cut cords. When I am finished working with clients, I will consciously cut my cords to them while holding a grounding stone. I do not want to carry their energy with me! While this is severing the energetic tie, the cords of love will never be cut. After doing this cord-cutting, I ask that person’s angels and guides surround them with light, encircling them with love. I am transferring them into the angels care to be watched over!

  • Allow negative emotions to be released. Sometimes, in spite of our best efforts, we experience, see or hear something that can upset us. When I hear of something tragic in the world, I take a moment to allow the emotion to wash over me. I let tears flow if they want to flow. Then, I often will say a prayer for the person or animal who may have suffered in that situation. I am asking Divine guidance to take over. I decided to let go and let God.

Try choosing one of these to do, just for today. See what happens! Chances are you’ll feel lighter and freer, and you’ll want to try it again.


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