Take the Leap Into 5D Consciousness

Dear friend who is near or maybe far,

It has been a great honor for me to close out another year of connecting with you. In spite of the turmoil and challenges of this year, I still feel incredibly grateful for so much.

It’s more important than ever, in my view, to remember that we are experiencing so much light and awakening. And while we have weathered a storm for the past year and half, we made it. And we are stronger for it.

skydiver circleThe other day, in the Akashic Records, an image was shown to me of what it’s like to ascend into higher levels of consciousness, into 5D living. I was floating in space, looking out at the stars filled with rainbow lights. Then I was holding hands with other souls, who were floating with me. We were soaring like skydivers who form circles together when in mid-air. Then there were others in outer concentric circles. We were in pure bliss, just loving the sensation of freedom, awe and glory.

As I was peering deeper into this image, looking for the 3D world, I picked up on the sensation of an angry dog biting at my ankle. The media circus with its low-vibrational energy, and the chaos that ensues in the human collective as a result, was like this biting dog. I tried to shake it off, and eventually I did. I looked down, and saw lots of fighting and writhing bodies of the 3D world mired in turmoil. It reminded me of Dante’s Inferno. It wasn’t necessarily an image of pure suffering as if it were hell on Earth, but it was a lot of tumult and confusion.

I asked how we could help people stuck in this 3D dimension, and I was shown that some people who are awakening will come up to look closer at those of us floating in the sky, as if they step up onto some kind of viewing platform. They admire us from this halfway point, and we encourage them to come join us, but many decide they are afraid of heights and would rather go back down to Earth, for now. But gradually, they come up to the platform more and more, getting used to being at such heights.

I see this as a beautiful metaphor of how we, as light workers, can help awakening people ascend into freedom and love of 5th dimensional consciousness.

This is my prayer for the New Year. What is yours? Take a moment to reflect on what you are proud of from the past year, what you learned, what you felt good about, and what you hope for 2022. It’s a powerful time to put out intentions!


I just turned 44 yesterday, and celebrated a peaceful day with my family by the ocean. During this blessed holiday season, I gave myself permission time to rest, to enjoy festivities with friends and family, and to celebrate almost being done with the final draft of my first book, Tools for the Awakening Soul: A Guide to Activate Your Intuition and Uncover Your Life’s Purpose). It has been an incredible year of challenges, hardships, blessings, joys and much perseverance.

Join me in honoring yourself for all that you have done, all that you have been, for how strong you have become in standing in your truth, and for being courageous enough to see and to move through the illusions of the lower self into the freedom of higher consciousness.

And we go onward, stronger than ever, into 2022!

With much love,

🙂 Rachel

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