Time to Stand Up

Dear one who is remembering,

These are intense times.

We are witnessing what can seem like history repeating itself with medical discrimination and segregation occurring all over the globe. Yet, this time humans are awakening. Many people are seeing this darkness for what it is. And this is how we shift away from it once and for all.

We cannot treat what we cannot see.

Many are still in a state of cognitive dissonance, yet with the increasing non-sensical controls and “rules,” many are starting to see.

We should have been taught to question everything in life. Instead, public schools trained us to do what we were told. The systems that created the media/governmental onslaught of “cancel culture” and censoring alternative views are the same that attempted to indoctrinate us as youth for life to create obedient workers who just follow the “rules,” even if they don’t make any sense.

Thankfully many are breaking free of the programming. We can only pray for parents to protect, and remove, their children from any and all systems that are continuing to indoctrinate with harmful propaganda that creates even stronger divides between parent and child. Due to the mass awakening occurring on the planet, many of us are learning to question the narrative. Let’s continue to hold light for parents and children who are stuck in the mind control.

I am continuing to stand strong in my family’s continual commitment to standing even stronger in our personal sovereignty. We are building the New Earth, and intuitively I feel it will get even easier to keep creating this new way of living outside of the mainstream dystopia.

Remember to stay out of fear. I don’t see anything to be afraid of when peering into the future in the Akashic Records). It feels like many of us will be living in little communities where we do our own thing and those in 3D do theirs (like country mouse and city mouse). And it’s a beautiful, simple way. In our new world, we don’t even care about what some in the broken systems are doing. We just ignore them, kind of like the Amish do with us!

There is much hope for the future, as many humans move to 5th dimensional unity consciousness. When we trust our hearts, we are creating a reality of freedom, healing, love, truth and connection with others who are no longer living under systems of control. This can bring about self-sufficient living, financial independence, holistic childhood education and a sense of deep connection with the Earth. And it brings a feeling of being aligned with our soul purpose, with each other and with nature.

May it be so. May it be so.

(Details on the picture above: I ordered this shungite pendant straight from Russia for each of us 4 – along with copper bracelets, obsidian necklaces and bracelets. Maybe a bit much, but I wanted to protect us from EMFs and any other sort of low vibrations out there. It is powerful, grounding and activating multi-dimensional energy. Shungite is said to be 2 billion years old and from a meteorite. I highly recommend!)


Something that is happening these days is that many people, both awakened and unawakened, are engaging in behavior that is rooted in their own triggered states. We must not allow ourselves to get sucked in. I have seen this in a few instances and have experienced it myself. When we pull back and ask ourselves, “What is the highest thing I can do or say in the situation?” or “is this decision for the highest good of all involved?”, we can begin to respond from a higher place rather than from lower, Ego-based states.

The wounded Inner Child that causes so much of the unconscious “lashing out” that we are seeing in people who are reacting from a triggered place of fight or flight.

Holding patience and compassion for others as they learn and grow is the best we can do.

It’s almost as if we are being tested with our triggers!

When we learn to stand in our truth, honoring ourselves and respecting our sovereignty with dignity, this has a ripple effect into the collective. Our standing up can break old patterns and help others in our lives move from unconscious behavior to soul-level healing (even if they aren’t aware of it).

This video is a short talk and guided meditation on Establishing Clear Boundaries, with love and with truth!

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