Things continue to shift and flow at rapid pace. When we go within, we find answers. And when we look at what’s happening from a higher perspective, we can understand more.
My heart goes out to those who are confused and scared about the world now. While challenging (here’s a tool to help manage stress/anxiety), this is also a very important time of awakening and the shadows being seen. (In the picture above, women from my recent retreat are doing shamanic healing on the beach helping to activate this energy.)
My life has been filled with intense activity: finishing up revisions and finalizing a gorgeous book cover for my workbook (tentatively titled Tools for the New Earth: A Guide for Awakening Times), treating my daughter’s early Lyme diagnosis (with a combination of Western and Eastern medicine – yes some antibiotics with lots of herbal tinctures), supporting people who are moving into homeschooling and seeking medical freedom for their livelihoods, planning our homeschool year with our Waldorf curriculum and being in joyful community with our homeschooling friends.
I have been focused on helping as many people as possible who are being pushed out the 3D world in their jobs and schools, through great injustice, yet also a universal sign that a new way of healthier, sovereign way of living awaits them.
We are shifting into a time of personal sovereignty as we as citizens create our own alternative systems – in health care, education, economics, basically any area. We will use our spiritual tools of meditation and of connection with Divine guidance (which you can tap into in this How to Communicate with Angels class) to fuel us forward. We will know that we are always provided for, and that, in the way that the world is supposed to work, abundance flows freely to all.
It is an incredibly exciting time to be alive. While this time is also a challenging one, this age of awakening has been predicted for thousands of years by the Mayans and other indigenous cultures. We are waking up from our Earth slumber and taking back our planet from the intervention of low-vibrational consciousness that kept us in systems of control, oppression and conflict for thousands of years. It’s a time of the rainbow warrior being activated to help bring the Earth into 5th dimensional consciousness. By doing this individual work, you are clearing the Ego shadows that had prevented you from fully expanding into your light. When you do this, the energy you emit is felt by others, emboldening them to do the same.
This shift starts at an individual level, and like a pebble being dropped into a pond, spills out into the collective consciousness.
We are moving into what some call the New Earth, a way of being in which we are in touch with our spiritual selves, living in tandem with the forces of nature and in synchronicity with animals and all living things. In this world, we support each other by sharing resources, food and opportunities with our friends and neighbors. Our children receive holistic, nature-based, creative education, largely outdoors. We are free to live as we choose, self-sufficient and generating alternative sources of energy and income for ourselves through bartering. We play, sing, dance, laugh and experience joy. Many people are stepping into their soul missions as healers, spiritual teachers and intuitives to help others who are suffering and in confusion. We are leaving behind the broken systems of the 3D world, the institutions and structures rooted in control, fear and chaos. We live in unity, love, connection and embrace the values of forgiveness, empathy and kindness. We understand about energy and work with Divine guidance to help us create high vibrations in our bodies, which ripple out into the collective, helping to heal the Earth and all sentient beings.
Yet, in order to fully embody this higher consciousness, we must do our inner work – “as above, so below.” Going through this process of Ego shedding is what ushers in our spiritual awakening, understanding the truth about the nature of reality and seeing through the illusions of the world around us. Going through the awakening process is like the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. This pandemic triggered the most incredible, massive spiritual awakening of human beings on the planet. And when we spiritually awaken, we experience these varying stages of grief. In fact, we can get stuck in one stage for a very long time. Or, we can repeat the cycle over and over in varying ways, or jump from one stage to another.
As my 5-year-old daughter said today in so many words, we all have Egos. Remember that the shadows of the negative Ego self can show up in many forms. One is through negative thoughts, beliefs, patterns and behaviors. And the other form is through emotions and energy. And the shadows on the collective level surface as shadows (Egos) in our inner selves. It is when we allow ourselves to explore our shadows that we can fully step into our light.
You were born for this moment. You volunteered to be here. You can do this. Find the courage to release fear and step into your highest self. The world – humanity – needs you!