Balance on the Autumn Equinox

Today is the first day of autumn. It has cooled down here in Maine just the past few days, signifying, as my friend’s young son so wisely said, that “fall is calling us.”

I don’t know about you, but the past few weeks have felt a little chaotic.

I personally had spent a lot of energy trying to figure out my kids’ fall schedule of sports, dance and arts classes as we left a few homeschooling programs and started some new things. There were some emotions involved in leaving the old, and while I knew deep down we were doing the right thing, change can be hard.

Thankfully, now, there is a sense of peace as they are happy in their new classes. There is a settling in, and a balance.

Sometimes things have be thrown up in a mess to then settle back down into a new form.

This is certainly happening in the collective as we continue to witness the crumbling of systems (especially the political circus). I personally feel called to not engage in the political realm any longer, as I have become aware of situations where my energy feels wasted – and to remove my energy in that case.

In some situations, the best course of action might be to disengage and not interact. But at other times we are called to engage and to speak up, or to stand up for what’s right.

For me personally, I have spent years honing my intuition so I have learned to trust it to guide me.

And yet sometimes intuition isn’t as clearcut as it seems. Sometimes they are nuances – like when it’s too soon to make a decision about something. Or when we need more information, or to allow time to pass.

And then, sometimes things happen in the external that cause us change paths and to make course corrections.

We can be guided by situations with other people that show us when to speak, when to not speak,  when to act, and when to not act.

As “right” courses of action can change, it’s up to us to do our best to go with the flow of how we feel we are being intuitively guided.

The more we quiet our minds, allow in light and ask for higher guidance to help us clear away anything clogging our third eye (I like Archangel Michael for this), the more we can discern which way to proceed in any situation.

Today, on the Autumn Equinox, I plan to just sit outside under a tree, maybe with a fallen, bright orange and pink leaf in my lap, to integrate a sense of peace and balance that is in the air into my body.

As today is the balance of equal night and equal day, we can imagine that within ourselves.

Even in the midst of things falling apart, with inner stillness, we can be like a mountain in the storm and feel our steadfastness keeping us grounded and strong.

May it be so for you.

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