Dear beautiful spirit,
When we have an issue we are seeking to resolve in our lives, it can feel like we are being pulled in two different directions. We are torn.
Have you ever felt like that? Like a part of you wants one thing, but another part of you wants something else?
A recent client was feeling pulled off the path, in a sense, by emotions and energies that felt like another part of him. He had been seeking a change in his life, but felt like there was something within that was resisting.
Sometimes we can live with this inner conflict for years. It can lead to self-doubt at best, and at worst to a sense of paralysis, where we find it very difficult to move forward and to make even the most basic of decisions.
We might make choices that we know aren’t really for our highest good, but that are coming from a place of fear.
The best way, in my experience, to heal this inner conflict and resolve the issue is to connect with the fear that’s beneath it.
In what is known as guided imagery, you use your imagination to form a mental image that has never existed in reality. I often use guided imagery, which is a form of hypnotherapy, with clients seeking to move past a persistent, deep-seated situation that has been plaguing them, sometimes for a long time.
In a session with this client, we connected with that part and asked it what it wanted for him, why it was there and what it needed. Some powerful information came up, and we were able to resolve the issue by identifying the part and calling it out (with the help of Divine light and guides)!
When it comes to feeling pulled in two directions, a specific guided imagery technique called parts therapy, similar to what I used with my client, is very powerful. Through deep breathing and muscle relaxation, the client is asked to generate a few images in the subconscious mind, which is used to attain specific goals for healing and wellbeing.
To help clients move toward healing in parts therapy, the hypnotherapist will bring the resistant/conflicting part into harmony with the motivating/action-focused part. Using the imagery of inviting in a spirit guide (I sometimes call this an “inner advisor”) will help the resistant part emerge more easily. As the guided imagery facilitator, the hypnotherapist is serving as the mediator, like in conflict resolution! And when the client is in a state of relaxation/hypnosis, they come up with the answers themselves from within the subconscious mind for solutions, which is that much more conducive for deep, inner change.
Guided imagery is used to help them problem solve the issue with specific questions the facilitator (or hypnotherapist) asks that help to activate the client’s imagination as a way to process their experience. The goal is to reconcile these two parts within our subconscious. This can feel like the “head v the heart,” the “left v the right brain,” or the “Ego v the Higher Self.”
Guided imagery in hypnotherapy is such a wonderful way to help clients find peace within themselves and a sense of knowing how to proceed in their lives.
If you’d like to learn how to do this, I hope you’ll check out the Hypnotherapy Certification Program!
With a deep belief in our collective ability to heal,