Dear friends near and far,
Yesterday I finally went in my garden and harvested some garlic and pulled up a bunch of weeds. (Yes,, my garden is full of weeds amongst the vegetables!)
For a few weeks, I knew I needed to go in and weed the garden. But I was avoiding it. It was like I just didn’t want to deal with it as I had so many other (more “fun”) things to do.
Isn’t this the case for so many of us? We avoid doing the work. We don’t want to dig up the weeds out of fear of what we might find, or based on a story that it will be too hard.
When I finally went into my garden today, I just focused on the weeds just around the lettuce, tomatoes, kale, cucumbers, squash, carrots and potatoes (which is pretty much all we are growing).
It didn’t take me that long, not nearly as long as I thought it might.
And when I was done, boy, it felt good! I actually found a few giant cucumbers that had been hidden under the weeds too.
When we take the time to actually go in and examine our thoughts, or look at some deep-seated beliefs, we might be surprised what we find. We might even find some love there we hadn’t noticed!
Like weeding a garden, our inner work doesn’t have to be drudgery. And it can feel so much better when we actually do it.
We might actually feel a sense of relief.
I hope that you’ll take some time to go within, even amidst the busy-ness of summer, to tend to your inner garden. I did that a bit today as well, internally, and it felt really good to let some of that s#$% go!
Helping Others Dig Up Their Weeds
Supporting people in their inner work is a blessing for me to do. In the Intuitive Guide program I have taught for a few years now, I have been able to help students uncover what subconscious fears or doubts have been holding them back from starting their own businesses.
These can be as simple as beliefs like “People might think I’m weird” or “You can’t make money from spiritual stuff.” The power of these beliefs can actually create the reality we don’t want! Just by asking ourselves questions like Do I really believe that, deep down? or What’s actually true here? can lead to a new, reframed belief that can get programmed as truth in our subconscious (I know because I did this myself!).
If you’d similarly like to help other people clear away what needs pruning in their subconscious mind, don’t forget that the Hypnotherapy Certification Program starts soon.
Pulling Up Your Own Weeds
Or, if you’d rather learn more about how to begin digging in deep for yourself, for one session even to begin, please read more here.
I look forward to digging in with you!
With hope,