Seeking the Truth in External Reality

Dear awakening soul,

I am guessing that you are probably following the news these days about recent political events, as many of us are.

It’s easy to want to know what’s really happening and what is the truth.

Yet, most of us are looking in places that aren’t helpful. We have been trained to look for outside sources (like the mainstream media) to tell us what we should think or believe, rather than trusting ourselves and our own intuition.

I even find myself checking various news outlets to get an update on what’s going on in the world.

And then, I pause and remember.

At some level, it’s not real. It’s an illusion.

That doesn’t mean that events haven’t occurred, and that we don’t have compassion for those who have suffered, but it means that it’s not beneficial to give attention to what ultimately can confuse us.

Now, this might sound like some kind of avoidance to you. Let me explain.

I believe that the outer world of politics, for instance, exists in a vibration that is all about division, separation and competition. We, as the general public, are often told one thing by a politician, and later on we find out they were not being truthful. We regularly witness the news outlets spin reality to create a perception that is not based in facts.

So why are we paying attention to all these illusions? They are, in fact, being used to manipulate our emotions. We are being strung along, provoked through anger or fear, to pick a side, and thereby to get angry at people we know if we believe they have picked the other side.

I believe that, in this version of dysfunctional reality, otherwise known as the 3D reality, it is next to impossible to know the truth due to so many half-truths and magic tricks. This is how it’s designed – confusion is the name of the game. Divide and distract.

So what is the answer?

I have learned from my time in the Akashic Records to disengage. The guidance that comes up is for us as humans to remove our energy from the spaces that are like vacuums, sucking our emotions and energy into them.

It doesn’t mean ignoring the outer, 3D world. We can see it as if it’s another highway, a road near us. We can see the cars going by and what they are doing. But we are not on that path. We are not participating in their reality.

(Please note: if there are policies in the external world that are personally affecting you, this guidance may apply differently to you. There may be something to look at for soul learning…. two things can be true at once!)

Otherwise, we can place our energy on things we know are true and real – the natural world and the beauty of the Earth, the relationships with people we know and love and our own spiritual connection with Divine guides.

This is the new version of reality we are each building as humans on Earth, and it exists in a vibration of love, empathy, understanding and unity.

With each choice we make, with each thought we choose and with our collective intentions, we can create this beautiful reality of internal truth and of healing for us all.

I hope that this is helpful for you in some way as we navigate the continuing shift into higher states of consciousness.

May we be blessed as we do so…

With appreciation,


P.S. Sometimes we just need quiet to train our minds to let go of thought. Enjoy this (mostly) Silent Meditation to focus on breath, let go of thought and bring in light. So simple, so basic. This is how we train our minds to open to our Higher Selves and activate our intuition!
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