The Energy of Earth and the Eclipse


Dear human alive in these activation times,

This past week we were in California visiting relatives. The coastline of California is truly stunning… moving amongst redwoods to the ocean crashing against the cliffs is a humbling experience. Even though the trip was busy seeing cousins, aunts, uncles and friends, I took some time to go inward and connect in with the elements of the Earth and her creatures.

We have the opportunity to open our hearts to the Earth in this month of April. The planet Mercury is in retrograde right on the heels of a total solar eclipse passing through much of the United States (including right here in Maine!). With all this powerful soul activation energy, we are being asked to go inward, to reflect and to respect the Earth more deeply than ever before.

I was reminded of this during our trip this past week.

The towering redwood trees (some around for over 2,000 years, here when Jesus walked the Earth!) reminded me of the wise, ancient energy in the rocks of Stonehenge. Their messages to me were that they have seen many things on the planet, and they are grateful that humans are now understanding how to work in harmony with Mother Earth, rather than taking from or harming her.

Then, as we went out to sea near the Channel Islands, hundreds of dolphins swam with our boat, frolicking and whizzing along. They reminded us to find joy in life, and to play.

Yet the most powerful connection I felt was with the whales – first a gray whale migrating to Alaska and then a few humpback whales we followed for a while. As they were under the surface near the boat, I linked in with their hearts. The messages they shared with me were that humans are getting ready to receive the light-codes that the whales and dolphins, as holders of the Akashic Records of the history of Earth, have to offer us. And this upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th will serve as an “upgrade” of sorts, allowing us to embody higher frequencies as we move into elevated states of consciousness. This is a 5th Dimensional guided meditation on accessing our Higher Selves to help us move into expanded states of consciousness, in alignment with the Earth.

If you can make it into the path of totality for the eclipse this coming Monday, I highly encourage you to do so! I was able to see a total solar eclipse in the Wyoming in 2017, and it was surreal. I believe that each time we witness a cosmic event such as these, we are more deeply aligning with our galactic, multi-dimensional selves and with our indigenous ancestors who understood how to align with the stars.

This is truly a magical time we are living in. And, to more deeply attune to the Earth and her creatures, and to the messages they have for you, you may want to check out the Intuition Development 101 Class series (5 classes meeting online starting early May) to fully open your third eye, clear away fear and begin to receive healing information to guide you in any aspect of life.

With blessings to you as always,


P.S. I am so excited to now be a “Certified Master Trainer” in hypnotherapy with the IMDHA/IACT hypnotherapy association. Stay tuned for a hypnotherapy certification program I’ll be offering soon. I can’t wait!

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