Excavating My Roots (or how Personal Transformation is Mirrored in the Natural World)

In the hope of growing our own food (and because I just really like gardening), I decided to make a portion of our backyard into a vegetable garden. I’ve found a spot that seems to get the most sun, since we’re surrounded by trees, and have begun the process of digging up the weeds and roots there.

While pulling up small roots to make room for the vegetable seedlings, I noticed something. The small ones would often lead to bigger, more intricate and twisted roots deep in the dirt. They would wind around each other sometimes in tangled webs, with each sinew leading to another in some deeper, unknown part of the soil. I would break one off, knowing that a piece of another was still stuck in the soil… something I would have to deal with later. But at least I had gotten a good section of it out and taken care of the task at hand.

During this excavation process, I was reminded of the internal work I’ve been doing in my own life. I’d been learning about cord-cutting, the energetic separation of ties that bind us to other people and objects in our lives. Or connections that are regularly established when people interact emotionally. When based in love, the cord is vibrant, healthy one. When based in conflict or fear (or co-dependency), the cord is darker and heavier, like an unwanted root that needs to be pulled out or cut. As with an invasive weed, if we just cut off the base with shears, we take care of it for the time being. But there will still be more work to do, more self-defeating beliefs will still pop up later. Instead, we can take some time, digging in deep to find the source of that root, clearing the dirt around it, creating some space to find the extent of it. And then, when all that is done, we gently pull the root up until it comes out once and for all. We must spend some time examining what we no longer want to carry with us to begin the process of intentionally separating from what is dragging us down.

In my own life, I have been cutting a lot of my own rooted, unhealthy cords. Not just cords to other people, but cords to my own past. To beliefs that I have been carrying with me for a long time. What I like to call false stories. And I even have come to understand that some of these stories were connected to other lifetimes of persecution. So that leads to my current fears of being out in the open with my true self (of “being seen”).


I have been told for many years that I can and should become a psychic, or even a medium. But I was scared of that.. of what it would entail. I have experienced some darkness on the other side, and it was not fun. And while I have learned to operate only in Divine light, which protects me at all times, those fears are still hanging out at times.

But I believe that I can help people with this, so I am opening up to it now. It is easiest through my dreams, getting regular visitations from deceased acquaintances or loved ones. Often passed-over souls who ask me to communicate a message to a living friend. I knew that my spirit was connecting with theirs, so I would do their bidding and help provide some comfort to their living relative/friend in waking life.

But actually connect with spirits in my daily reality? No way. That’s for witches with crystal balls. I would be laughed at, mocked and maybe even worse.

I’ve recently realized that I need to overcome these fears so I can come into who I really am. Who I have been for many years. To help people see what their Ego selves may prevent them from seeing. To understand what potential lies deep within them. To support them in accessing their true beings so their inner light can shine in a world that badly needs it.

And how does this connect with Nature? Nature is my teacher. Nature is helping me heal.

When I dig in the dirt, I forget about my worries. I am making the soil ready for my baby seedlings to thrive. When I dig in the dirt, I feel more connected with the Earth. I notice that the truth about being human is similar to the all that exists in Nature. When I dig in the dirt, I learn about myself and what I want to uncover and excavate.

If we could just look to the natural state of things, we could see how the laws of Nature also apply to the inner workings of our lives, of our personal growth. Abundance is for us all, water flows freely, leaves grow abundantly. Money is a form of energy, but is only one form of abundance. If we can let our attachment to a piece of paper go, we can understand that abundance comes in many forms (friends, good health, food, and yes, even money too).

Change doesn’t happen overnight, in spite of our modern society’s addiction to the quick-fix solution – “Isn’t there something I can take for that?”. Plants don’t grow overnight either – a seed is planted, and it needs sun, water, and soil to grow. So when making transformations in our lives, we need to practice patience, and make sure the right ingredients are there for our own growth (like gratitude, trust, learning lessons and taking risks).  If something didn’t work, we don’t just give up and never try to grow anything again – no, maybe we need more sun this time, or better soil. Or more support from friends, or more mind-nourishment (meditation).

As part of our paradigm shift into an age of unity, no longer in an age of separation, we are learning to re-establish our connection with the Earth, with Nature. We can learn from the natural rhythms of Nature. And not just for our own nourishment and safety. We can heed the lessons from the Earth, from the wisdom and qualities of animals (as spirit animals who come into our lives with lessons to teach us – the owl, with its eyes seeing clearly in the dark of night, is the spirit that sees into people’s souls, through illusions and pulls out the uncomfortable truth– the guide for my life). We can connect what nature teaches us to our lives in countless ways. Personal growth over time like the flower blossoming, trusting in moving through our lives like the current of the flowing river, and patiently working through our stuck beliefs like digging up the entirety of roots deeply entrenched in soil.  

For me, it is when we intentionally re-connect with the Earth that we can heal and begin to grow into that which we truly are.

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