A recent Soulful Work Community gathering on connecting with the wisdom of flowers (with Lisa Estabrook of Soulflower Plant Spirit Art).
It’s been a while since I have sat down to write.
I have been catching my breath and enjoying down time (which can be hard for me to do!) after finishing my Integrative Healing Arts studies in June. It was a year and a half of daily carving out of time, which brought me great joy and which taught me so many new skills and tools. But it was a lot of work! My husband took on a lot of extra child care nighttime duties, and handled my “freak out” moments at the amount of work I had to do with beautiful ease.
Every day at our dinner table, we hold hands in silence (yes, it’s possible to do that with a 4 and a 7 year old – 15 seconds at least), and say what we are grateful for. I sound like a broken record since almost every day I feel such gratitude for this wonderful man who is my soul partner, the father to my children and my closest business advisor.
We do not often get a lot of time together just as a family during the week, as we have alternating schedules. I see clients during the day, am home with the kids after school, and then we have dinner and I go out to do a workshop or see another client, or Chris goes to play music.
Thankfully, most weekends we devote at least one day to being together just as a family, and this weekend we are all going camping in Baxter State Park (in the great North Woods in Maine) to get away.
It has been three years since I started this business, Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting. In that time, I have become a hypnotherapist, learned how to do past life regressions, how to read the Akashic Records for myself and others, opened up my intuition and woke up to the reality of how the world actually works, started practicing meditation every day, moved a few times into different healing space, offered lots of workshops (online and live), ventured into some workplaces and schools to teach about mindfulness, kept a spiritual community going and meeting every month, started a few ongoing groups – one supporting women in their spiritual businesses and another on meditation, tried a few things that failed miserably and created a ridiculous number of writing tools.
And I also got rid of a pile of junk in my head. Negative thinking, I mean. It took me about 3 years of dedicated work, and of trying A LOT of different things to move past many of the doubts, insecurities and worries that had plagued me for years. They still pop up from time to time, but I know how to deal with them now (meditating every day is the first step).
I also lost a few friends. And gained a bunch more. We struggled to make ends meet for a while, and I felt like giving up a few times and looking for a regular job. But, I persevered, got creative, tapped into my higher guidance and things shifted to the point where my income greatly expanded (thankfully) last year. There were some goals I set that did not work out, and I realized that it takes a lot longer to build a business than one might think. I learned to stop comparing myself to others (mostly) and find what my unique voice is. This I mostly uncovered by going deep into what my soul wants for me, learning about my past lives and getting all this information in my Akashic Records. And doing a lot of writing in my journal.
I am at the point now where I feel I have accomplished much of what I set out to achieve. Still, there are a few remaining things. One is writing this book (or “workbook”) which I endlessly procrastinate on. Another is accepting the call to go into the world of deep spiritual connection, which I have been feeling for some time. And a few other goals are around traveling more around the world and living in community with other like-minded expanding souls (co-housing).
As I sit here reflecting on my own journey, I encourage you to do the same.
This time of retrograde energy is perfect for inner work, for assessing how far you have come and where you want to go (and the Soulful Work Community is doing a fire release ceremony tonight to do this as a group)!
On a global scale, the shift in energy continues, as more and more people are awakening to the true nature of their souls. I have noticed more men coming in as clients, which makes me so happy. And I have noticed that hypnotherapy is a huge attraction, along with Akashic Records readings and past life regressions. Of course, my personal favorite is teaching people about meditation, but it’s not as exciting as the other stuff.
We are learning how to feel our way through life, how to set goals intuitively versus what we think we “should” be doing. We are learning to be guided by our right brains, our creative, emotional-based side, to then bring along the left brain, the rational, logical part of who we are.
This is opposite of how most of us have been taught to operate through public schools and from our parents (as well-intentioned as they were). We are re-wiring our systems, and this will be what helps us not only feel better and be kinder to each other, but also survive as a human race!
It’s important to celebrate how far we have come in our healing and in our soul growth. Take a moment to reflect on how much you have grown in your soul journey over the past few months (or years). Here are a few prompts for you from a writing tool I use with clients, and recommend that we all do every month or so.
What do you feel proud of? See if you can come up with at least 6 things!
What have you learned? (At least 3 things!)
What are you grateful for? (At least 6 things!)
What are some intentions you have moving forward? (At least 3 things!)
What are you currently doing or plan to do for self-care (meditation, massage, walks, etc.)? (At least 3 things!)
What specific action steps do you plan to take in the next 3 months? (At least 3 things!)
What specific action steps do you plan to take in the next 12 months? (At least 3 things!)
Share one action step in the comments below!
I hope this has been helpful in some way. Sending you each blessings and gratitude for your presence in my life.