In Times of Deep Divide… Healing, Coping and Moving Forward

kids lights

It’s been a busy holiday season so far. After recovering from this nasty thing, and doing our best to help others who are coping with health issues, we are focused on creating joy with our amazing homeschool community and on building new traditions with new friends (like this awesome walk-through light display at a campground). Life is filled with ups and downs. If we choose to see the light, we live in a whole new, amazing reality.

After recovering from sickness, as many of us are, and focusing on healing and strengthening my mind, body, spirit and soul, I am in the midst of finishing up the final draft for all 300 pages of my upcoming book (new title is Tools for the Awakening Soul: A Guide to Activate Your Intuition and Uncover Your Soul Purpose). It has been an incredible, exhausting, enlightening and growth process, with my mother and Heidi, my business coach, helping me to birth (edit) this baby. I can’t wait to share this with you when it’s ready!

Here is a passage from the book that may be of service right around now:

Forgiveness and the Covid-19 Pandemic

At the time of this writing, there are deep divides among families and friends worldwide due to varying beliefs about how to proceed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Never before in our lifetimes have the values that people hold dear clashed so much. While some people believe that personal safety and protecting ourselves from illness is more important than freedom and bodily autonomy, others feel strongly that systems of government are using the pandemic in an attempt to create worldwide totalitarianism. Because of this, this group of people believes in preserving human liberty at all costs. And they are willing to take risks when it comes to their health to do so. I believe there actually is a middle ground that can be found by keeping our immune systems strong and protecting the more vulnerable to illness while still allowing humans to move freely in society. Sadly, the media is only promoting one viewpoint that restricts freedom and promotes medical segregation, actively using this crisis to perpetuate the division and pitting one group of people against another.

The result is a lot of misunderstanding, judgment and blaming the “other” group of people for this painful global experience. If we can pause and try to understand why another person may feel the way they do, even if we do not agree with their viewpoint, we can begin to open our hearts toward empathy, compassion and forgiveness.

When it comes to matters of life and death, this is exceedingly challenging to do. Most humans have a deep fear of death, and would do anything rather than face death. Ultimately, when we come to the acceptance that death is inevitable, and that our higher selves actually choose the time and means of our last breath, we can take a deep breath and relax.

When we, as a human race, are divided, we can more easily be controlled. This has occurred for thousands of years. Aside from a few notable times in human history, never before has there been such a widespread attempt by governments to manipulate human consciousness so deeply and thoroughly.

Thankfully, now, in 2022, with the energies on Earth as it moves into 5th dimensional frequencies, more people are awakening to the truth about what is being attempted. We are starting to take back our sovereignty and no longer giving our power away to the wolves in sheep’s clothing who we thought were there to protect us. With the worldwide extreme power grabs and depriving populations of basic human rights in varying countries, we are starting to see the truth of what has been done to us. When we see this darkness, we can step into the light!

How do we anchor in this light and bring in healing for humanity? I personally feel that turning off the news and ignoring what is said in the media is the first step. We must protect ourselves from the continual attempts to influence, skew and manipulate our feelings and our perspectives. After unplugging, connecting with our hearts and asking for Divine guidance to help us, we can allow healing.

When I have done this, I have tried to understand how “the other” feels and perceives the world. During this pandemic, many people right now on Earth are in
fight or flight brain. This means that many are not thinking rationally, and our negative Egos can place blame on another person rather than examine what we can do at an internal level, with our own thoughts, energy and light, to help make sense of it all. Truly, when we ask Divine guidance we can learn to forgive those who are still in a triggered state of anger or fear and lashing out at others due to being in a state of extended trauma.

May we fully absorb the message that Jesus once taught: Forgive them… for they know not what they do.

Recording of Live Video Chat with Heidi Symonds and Cheryl Horton: Be the Light, Protect the Light, Share the Light

Remember that humanity has to move through the valley of the shadow of death to come out into the light. We are passing through those shadows right now, like going through the dark tunnel of a birth canal. Can we trust that light is on the other side? Can we allow others we do not understand to have their experience and to awaken at their own pace? Can we find the courage to share our light and wisdom in service to others who are in confusion, fear and anxiety about the state of the world? If you’re not sure, then enjoy the video recording of me, Rachel Horton White, my business coach, Heidi Symonds and my friend/co-facilitator/energy healer Cheryl Horton for this talk on how we can anchor in our light, protect ourselves from low-vibrational 3D attacks and share our light with awakening souls in need of help.

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