Stay the Course. Keep Going. It’s Working.

Missy book close-up
(This photo is of a former student in my Intuitive Guide program, Missy Ayotte, with my book. She had posted this on social media about our work together. I was so touched by this… and to see the book loved and read in this way.)

Dear beautiful people,

Well, it’s already December! The holiday season is in the air. I have a few things to share with you in this email that I think may be helpful, and there’s some cool things coming up in the next few months, so be sure to read carefully through this one! Many of us are still sitting in the strangeness of feeling like we are existing in a different reality than many people. Observing the suffering of so many is hard to watch. The spiritual awakening of humans is happening, and yet there are soul contracts at play. People will only awaken only when they are ready to! In the meantime, continue to bring in light and break patterns in your life – for your family and for the collective. As light-workers, that’s what we are here to do! Notice what is coming up in your life, what situations you’re being presented with. You may notice opportunities to set boundaries, while being loving and kind, yet also to stand in your power and protect your light. As you do this, what are you noticing in your life in terms of soul learnings? What situations are presenting themselves as lessons? Just keep going. It’s working. You may not see it, but it is. Keep asking and opening to the learning. You may wonder, “Why does it feel like I’m not in touch with my Divine guides? Where are they?” I have heard this from a few clients recently. But our guides are always here with us. We just don’t often notice them. Today when I tuned in, I felt a very strong wave of support all around me (and all of us). We have a whole team of galactic friends, angels, spirit guides, ancestors and multidimensional beings, all connected with the Source of All That Is (God), helping us out big time. It’s just subtle energy. And when we are going, going, going and in our Ego mind, we can miss their messages. Give yourself time to connect with the oneness. Take a bath, float with the back of your head underwater and listen to your breath. What do you feel in that stillness? Look up toward the sun and into the rays of light. What do you notice? This is how we tune in. We just feel. And then the more that each of us does this, the more we help raise the collective vibration on the planet! (And if you want to play a role, in whatever way that may be, check out the Intuitive Guide Program (Soulful Work Method) which starts in January! (I will teach you how to be of service, how to start sharing your soul’s gifts and make it WHAT YOU DO. How amazing would that be? If you think you’re not ready, think again! You are probably much more ready than you think.) And, lastly, to really help us do all this, we need to take time to rest and recharge. This past week, I took some time out to just be, to read an actual book and to play games with my kids. It was pure joy! There’s still an opportunity for you to do something similar to this at our upcoming Self-Healing Winter Retreat in January. Give yourself the gift of caring for yourself. Our cups need to be filled before we can give to others! I plan to take some time off between Christmas and New Year’s to just… do… nothing (well maybe some things, but not work)! We are learning to just BE. We are learning to be in the oneness of All That Is. We are tuning out the 3D world of chaos and distraction and into our hearts and the natural world. This is 5D consciousness. (You can learn more about how to tune in your guides by picking up a copy of the Tools for the Awakening Soul book, a great holiday gift for a loved one interested in spiritual development in a practical, easy way!

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