Changing Our Perspective

This picture above my daughter took while we were having lunch in a lovely church garden (homeschooling is the best!). It is indicative to me of late summer blooms.

Like the flowers whose petals begin to wilt, our energy can get a bit tired this time of year.

With all the busy-ness of summer, I have found myself wanting to just rest and sleep a lot (now I don’t actually sleep a lot, but I take short naps almost every day!).

As the seasons prepare to change with the fall equinox coming soon, it’s important to give ourselves time to rest and restore… and to enjoy life.

Just last night, my husband and I went to an outdoor concert of three bands. It was truly joyful.

And amongst the other humans gathered there with us, with the moonlight shining down and the ocean behind us, I felt a deep sense of compassion for others around us. Even the drunk guy practically falling on us, and even the people glued to their cell phones.

We are all doing the best we can. We are all just trying to be happy.

More and more, even though I work very hard (sometimes too hard), I find I am learning how important it is for me to rest and to just have fun.

Not only is it good for our souls to do this (our angels and guides want to remind us not to take life so seriously!), but the vibration of joy actually brings our highest and best future selves closer to us. Focusing on the goodness in all helps us live in a more peaceful, aligned way with a “glass half full” perspective.

It just feels better.

I have started doing this evening ritual that I learned from Tony Robbins before going to bed.

You may want to try it yourself by focusing on:

– 3 things you are grateful for
– 3 people you offer prayers for
– Feeling the vibration of your highest and best self and visualizing that future.

May we all allow in joy, compassion and love, more and more each day.

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