Whew. What an intense few weeks it has been.
There has been a fluctuation of highs and lows, of good and bad (or what we perceive as such).
It can be difficult to witness the suffering of others, such as those in the North Carolina mountains, and not feel like there’s much that you can do to help.
How do we hold light in the midst of all this?
A few days after the most recent hurricane in Florida happened, a friend texted me and reminded me to go outside and look at the Northern Lights. Regardless of why we are seeing the Aurora Borealis more frequently now, I choose to view the beauty of these lights as a blessing. A woman I know sent me a picture of what clearly looked like an angel (or Jesus) in the lights. What a gift.
When it comes to feeling this sort of higher hope into our everyday reality, it can be tricky. Here’s a short clip of a video on Instagram I did recently about how to integrate our spiritual selves into our daily lives.
It’s about being mindful and bringing in light in everyday moments. When we connect in nature, we feel how much the Earth can ground and cleanse us.
I see this in the Akashic Records a lot – what comes through is to allow nature to help us heal and also to teach us.
The Earth’s vibration is there for us.
Just like a water cycle, we receive light and send it back into the Earth, where it goes up into the ether, then to come back down to you.
Then, you can envision your future self integrating light into your daily life by describing, in the positive and present sense, how you want to feel.
This is one thing I almost always share with clients – to co-create their highest and best selves (you can download a free Envisioning Your Future writing reflection on how to do this). And then the next step would be to clear away any Ego stories that can come up to block you!
One step at a time. Little by little.
With hope and light,
P.S. In the past few months, I was on a a couple of podcasts! I had a lot of fun chatting about all things metaphysical here on MP Unleashed. And then I talked with my friend Melanie Bolduc about starting and growing a spiritual business here on The Vine Time Podcast.
Light and Prayer for Hurricane Victims
This is a video recording of the meditation from last week to bring in light for hurricane victims.
You’ll hear me talk a bit here about what happened and why. Was the strength of these hurricanes due to weather manipulation or were they naturally-occurring events?
In the Akashic Records, I was shown the energy being “pushed” toward the mountains of North Carolina. Hmm.
And yet, the poles of the Earth are naturally shifting too.
Two things can be true at once. And ultimately, going into fear is not for our highest good. (In fact, fear is used to control us!)
In this meditation, we bring in legions of angels and galactic multi-dimensional beings to help humans and animals heal, and to shift energy from destruction to calm. We invoke the healing power of the highest sources to bring those who have been suffering the shelter, resources, food and comfort they need and deserve.
We also focused energy on calming the storm for this next hurricane to help keep those in its path safe. Clearly this lightwork and prayer, along with meditations being done all over the world, helped diminish the negative impact of the hurricane! It’s amazing what the power of our intention can do.