Dear conscious one,
I hope you are basking in the abundance and beauty of summer.
If you’re anything like me, you feel better when you’re being of service in some way.
I’m taking some time off this week for vacation, but I am sure that by next week I will be ready to see clients again!
Yes, I really do feel good when I am helping others. My daughter told me something similar – the other day we were at a campground arcade and she won a few stuffed animals from a machine (Alice has this magical ability to actually win things from the elusive “claw” toy-grabbing game that never works for me or any other person except her). At any rate, a few of her friends really wanted a stuffed animal too. So, Alice gave them each one of the three she had won. (I didn’t find out about this until the next day.)
I told her I was so proud of her. She then shared that it felt really good to give the toys to her friends.
I asked her how that felt, and she said: “Like a big light glowing inside my heart.”
Children speak such wisdom. Clearly, when she was helping another person, her soul was shining.
I’m guessing that you might be thinking about how you can be of service to others as well. It feels really good to share our light! Whether you volunteer your time for others in need, or even just say “how are you?” to a stranger, you are sharing light in some way and helping another feel better. And that, in kind, helps us feel good.
Some of you may want to take this a step further. It can be difficult to watch others – friends or clients – in our lives suffer with persistent issues that they can’t seem to shake.
And maybe you’re already helping people in a healing profession of some kind, but you’re noticing that some of the “stuckness” they are experiencing just isn’t going away.
When I began seeing clients through Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, I started out by offering life coaching. I’m sure it helped my initial clients back in 2016-2017, but I was aware that there were other issues that were underlying that we couldn’t quite access.
When I learned hypnotherapy, I was finally able to support people in clearing away some of the deep-seated beliefs that were unconsciously driving behaviors or patterns that my clients couldn’t seem to shake.
It was like entering into a whole new world, and people shared with me how powerful it was for them too.
I am offering a 9-month Hypnotherapy Certification Program very soon, in which I will teach those who want to go deeper with clients (or who want to just start a new hypnotherapy practice) how to become a certified hypnotherapist.
The program starts this September 9th. There’s 12 spots available and now 4 have been taken! I am so excited to share with you how to really help people in a deep, lasting way, and look forward to connecting with those of you who are curious.
With blessings to you each,
I offered a meditation just last week on self-acceptance and loving ourselves, releasing old thoughts and stories. Mother Mary’s gentle energy came in! You may enjoy the Self-Acceptance Musing and Meditation with Mother Mary video recording here.