Unconditional Love Is The Way

I just finished teaching a 3-day online hypnotherapy class, as part of the 9 month hypno training program I’m offering. It was the most content I’ve ever had to plan at one time, 21 hours essentially.
I was worried about how I would keep people occupied for 3 days when it’s all online.

But over the past few months of planning all 9 months of classes, it felt like I was almost channeling the content – it just came through – a combination of teaching, meditations, practice sessions, videos, fun stuff and even poetry reading and muscle testing. It truly warmed my heart to hear the amazingly positive feedback from the 8 brave, beautiful women in the class who said how the days flew by!

And today we are driving down to Virginia to spend the week with family for Thanksgiving.


Regardless of the truth around this holiday and its origins, I like use this time to bring in healing and light, and to experience love and joy with family.


Just last week, I did an Akashic Records reading for someone who was grieving the passing of her husband. The guidance that came in for her was to gather with loved ones to bring in joy and laughter, and to reminisce about his life with happy memories.


We are in need of love in the collective now, as the song says: “What the world needs now, is love, sweet love.”


We often beat ourselves up so much. We all have made mistakes in our lives, and we often want to do and to be better. But, because of this, we can be really hard on ourselves.


Our guides want us to love and accept ourselves for who we are, knowing we are always learning and growing, and that we are doing the best we can.

Can we learn to love ourselves as a mother would love her child unconditionally?


Bringing in this type of love is so important.


When we are in the vibration of love, we are in our highest state. And then, all that we seek that is also in that high vibration can find us!

Here’s an excerpt from my book, Tools for the Awakening Soul, on how we can work with the Law of Vibration, one of many Divine laws in the universe, in our lives:



Everything in the universe emits an energy wave. According to the laws of physics, every animal, plant, person and inanimate object has a frequency. A frequency can be defined as waves passing a certain fixed point. The state of something’s oscillating frequency is called its vibration. The term vibration also refers to the energy or light that we give off as human souls in physical bodies. (The phrase “raise your vibration” simply means to elevate your frequency into a higher state of flow, positivity and love.) Every thought and emotion emits a frequency as well. The higher our frequency, the higher we vibrate with emotions like love, compassion and joy. The lower our frequency, the lower we vibrate with emotions like fear, anger or sadness. One vibration is not necessarily better than another: they just are.


In his book The Hidden Messages of Water, Dr. Masuru Emoto describes his discovery that molecules of water, when viewed under a microscope, respond to words, thoughts or intentions (which are all vibrational) with changes in their molecular shapes. In experiments he conducted, the positive or negative frequencies of phrases spoken by a human significantly affected the formation of the water’s structure. Phrases like “I love you” and Buddhist prayers of compassion created beautiful, symmetrical, snowflake-like patterns. Phrases like “You disgust me and the thought of “evil” caused the water to form distorted, ugly shapes.


This study showed how an intangible, invisible thing (a thought/emotion) can actually change the physical structure of another thing simply through its own vibrational frequency.


The importance of this cannot be overemphasized. As we give off energy waves with our own thoughts and emotions, our thoughts and emotions contribute to the vibrations we emit. This means that every word we think and say either enhances or detracts from our vibration. Our thoughts matter!


When we feel depressed, angry or have some other heavy/dense emotion, we are in a low vibrational state. When we feel joyful, grateful or have other positive emotions, we are in a high vibrational state. This is not to say that we are doing something wrong when we feel bad. Negative emotions are a normal part of being human, and it’s important to acknowledge, explore and process these emotions so they can be released. In this sense, the goal is to abide in a higher vibrational state most of the time. We can then vibrationally align our current selves with the high vibrations of peace, joy and happiness that we seek.



When we do this inner work and allow in love for ourselves that can spill out for others as well, we help set others free to do the same. And then we move the planet into the vibration of love for our collective healing.

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