What Is the Book of Life and How Do You Open It?

I hope this finds you well as we enter the end of October.

There is an increasing amount of energy building beneath the surface right now. The presidential election here in the US is coming up, and this can lead to some “emotions” (to put it mildly) for some. It can be challenging to feel a sense of unity with many people so divided in our country.

It can be confusing to look at the world now and try to understand what’s happening and what our role is.

When we access higher wisdom in the form of our own intuition, we not only have a better sense of how to proceed, but we just feel like we are in a peaceful flow of acceptance and purpose.

Maybe you too want to access your intuition in this way, but are not sure how.

Too few of us have been taught how to activate our inner knowing. If you’re like most adults today, you were educated in public schools and learned mostly to think superficially and “inside the box.”

In Western society, we have been conditioned that what we see in front of our faces is the only thing that is real. Physical “proof” was needed to support our ideas and beliefs.

And, many of us have been led to believe that anything imaginary or creative is just “woo-woo” – not real or important.

Because of our education, most of us have been taught only to operate in the left brain, versus in the right.

This means that we learned to listen to our Ego (our logical, rational, fear-based mind), rooted in the left brain, versus our Higher Self (intuitive, creative, feeling-based self), which is based in the right brain.

Thankfully, we can learn how to deeply connect with our right brain more, which opens up our intuition and our connection with our Higher Self.

Connecting intuitively starts by accessing our feelings and using our imagination, just as children do.

If you’d like to learn how to do this, I invite you to join a group of people learning to open their intuition through the Akashic Records. Known as the “Book of Life,” the Akashic Records is a space of universal knowledge and wisdom, a safe container to receive loving information from Spirit in the presence of Divine light.

It has been life-changing for me to learn how to access my own Records, and I’ve taught many, many people over the past few years how to access theirs, even just in a 1-hour workshop!

I will be teaching some brave souls how to do this in a 4-class online How to Read the Akashic Records series to really dive in and read their own Records.

I invite you to come join us.

Just today a past student who learned how to read the Akashic Records in a past class with me emailed this to me totally out of the blue:

“I can’t express enough how grateful I am for you and this incredible class. The knowledge I’ve gained is truly immeasurable! Before signing up for the course, I had been searching for something like this for months, unaware that it even existed. This class has not only met my expectations but has exceeded them in ways I never imagined.”

– Carrie Lambert, Maine

It’s been such a blessing to teach others how to access their intuition and their gifts. I look forward to seeing you in the class if this is also calling to you.

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