Become An Intuitive Guide
Do You Want to Guide Others While Clearing Your Inner Blocks?
The 2025 “Soulful Work Method” Intuitive Guide Certificate Program
is now open for enrollment!
In these intense times, it can feel like the world around you is falling apart. Yet deep down, you probably know that something exciting is happening.
Still, as many of the old, broken structures and systems around us begin to fall apart, you may feel as though you are being pushed out of the world you knew into a new way of being.
You may be struggling with how to balance the desire to help yourself with the deep yearning to be of service to others.
You’re likely being guided into doing what your soul has long wanted you to do…. to clear away your own fears and help others do the same.
Yet you, like many people, likely have fears about this… about your ability to step up and help.
You are probably more ready than you think to answer that higher calling.
You can become an Intuitive Guide and support awakening humans in becoming their highest and best selves!
You can learn to help others understand what is happening, to help them heal, to help them expand into their light and to help them understand why they are here at this time.

Humans are going through a massive spiritual awakening.
This is about remembering the truth about who we really are, about our origins from the stars, about our psychic gifts and about our innate abilities to co-create our realities with our own energy.
I am excited to offer a way for you to become a guide and mentor to support others as they shift into living in a heightened state of expanded consciousness.
You’ve probably already spent lots of time thinking about sharing your gifts. But something has been holding you back from taking the next steps.
Chances Are You:
- want to trust intuition to guide you but you’re not sure which is intuition and which is ego….
- have known deep down for some time that you are meant to be doing something more than what you’re doing.